Creating an enemy AI

To populate the world, and have a threat that the player must avoid was the next step for me when adding to this project. I firstly researched into how to create a simple wandering  AI that would randomly walk around the world. Luckily I found a series created by a You Tuber by the name of Ryan Laley earlier this year, which highlights the steps to starting from a simple AI to patrol points and following the player once they enter the AI's field of view. The first episode of the series went over behaviour trees and navigable meshes. The behaviour tree is what tells the AI what it is it needs to do, which links into the navigable meshes. The navigable meshes acts like a volume box in Unreal that basically tells the AI the space in which it is allowed to move in the world which in this case was the box of the Third Person Example Map.
This is the behaviour tree:
And this shows the navigable mesh in use:

This is the end result after some blueprints setting up the AI:


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